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Department of Computer Science
RG Virtual Machining

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Thesis award for Dr.-Ing. Adina Grimmert

Dr.-Ing. Adina Grimmert wins award for her doctoral thesis of the faculty of mechanical engineering of TU Dortmund

Article published in the "International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture"

Results of the analysis and modelling of damping effects in milling operations published.

DFG funds project "Single grain based Temperaturemodelling for NC form grinding"

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a project on temperature modeling in grinding processes.

SME Journal Award for Petra Wiederkehr

SME presents Journal Award to Petra Wiederkehr for her outstanding achievements as editor of the journal ‘Manufacturing Letters’.

DFG funds project initiative on hand-guided grinding processes

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding the project initiative for the simulation of hand-guided dental grinding processes.

DFG funds "KraftMod" project initiative

The German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding the project to develop a new methodology for the parameterization of force models.

Doctoral examination of Ms. Adina Grimmert

On April 17, 2024, Ms. Adina Grimmert successfully completed her doctoral examination. Congratulations from the team at the Chair of Virtual…

Doctoral examination of Mr. Felix Finkeldey

On December 07, 2023, Mr. Felix Finkeldey has successfully passed his doctoral examination. The Virtual Machining Team congratulates very much!
VM/TU Dortmund